Jung Hyuk Lee

Deputy Director at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Republic of Korea

Jung Hyuk Lee

Dr. Jung Hyuk Lee, aka Jay, has been working for the Ministry of Economy and Finance (Republic of Korea) since 2012. He received a Ph.D. degree in economics at the University of Southern California (USC) in 2023. His primary advisor was a renowned development economist, Dr. Vittorio Bassi.

Dr. Jung Hyuk Lee has been studying issues in labour, family, and economic development, particularly in a fast-changing environment in terms of technology and culture. He is also deeply interested in learning and applying new econometric tools and computing techniques, including machine learning methods. He is the author of one of the first books that introduce ChatGPT to Korean readers.  


Latest contributions

STEG Working Paper Series

Self-employment Within the Firm

Vittorio Bassi, Jung Hyuk Lee, Alessandra Peter, Tommaso Porzio, Ritwika Sen, Esau Tugume • Research Theme 1: Firms, Frictions and Spillovers, and Industrial Policy