University of Notre Dame

The Department of Economics at University of Notre Dame strives to provide the highest quality instruction in modern economic analysis and to conduct research. The University of Notre Dame is one of the leading universities in the United States, perennially ranked in the top 20. The Department of Economics was founded in 2002, but has been one of the fastest growing departments, increasing from 17 to 44 faculty over the past ten years. The department is committed to rigorous theoretical and quantitative analysis in teaching and research. Faculty members have specialities in a diverse set of fields including macroeconomics, applied microeconomics, development, international economics and micro theory. The Department has established a strength in economic development, exemplified by faculty studying a diversity of developing countries (including field work in Africa, Latin America, South Asia, and East Asia) with a commitment to integrating macro models and a wide range of microeconomic data and methodologies to address questions of macro development. Notre Dame researchers therefore cut across sub-disciplines of economic development.

Notre Dame