STEG invites applications to the seventh call for proposals for Small Research Grants (SRGs) and sixth call for proposals for PhD Research Grants.
SRGs of between £10,000 and £25,000 can fund research assistance, data collection and/or purchase, and potentially research stipends/teaching buyouts. Grants also support travel to field sites, even when secondary data is utilised. We view this kind of travel (with the possibilities for field visits and conversations with policymakers) as particularly important for researchers who lack prior experience in the countries that they intend to study.
While PhD students are eligible to apply to our SRG calls, we also issue a special call exclusively for PhD students alongside our SRG calls in order to encourage broader participation in the programme. PhD Research Grants up to £15,000 are essentially equivalent to SRGs and fund similar activities.
Research may focus on broad systemic patterns and processes of structural transformation and growth for low- and middle-income countries, in a comparative sense across time or space, or more narrowly defined topics related to one or more of our research themes. Other areas of interest may not fit cleanly into any of the themes but are centrally relevant to STEG and are also encouraged.
STEG is also focused around three cross-cutting issues that are simultaneously relevant to many areas of structural transformation, including the six research themes: gender, climate change and the environment, and inequality and inclusion. Research proposals speaking to these issues will receive particular consideration.
We aim to issue funding decisions within three months of call deadlines. Grants are intended to be completed within 12 months.
We strongly recommend that prospective applicants read the SRG documentation about eligibility, country criteria, preparing an application, how to apply online and the SRG Frequently Asked Questions before applying.
Deadline: 23:59 BST, Monday, 6 November 2023.