This year's meeting will be organised jointly by the MG programme and STEG.
The meeting organisers are Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt and CEPR), Doug Gollin (University of Oxford and CEPR), and Joe Kaboski (University of Notre Dame and CEPR).
The keynote speaker is Richard Rogerson (Princeton University).
How to Apply to Present
Application to present at the conference is now closed. Final decisions on the selected papers to be presented at the conference have been returned.
The programme for the conference can be found here.
Thursday, 17 November
11:15 Coffee and Registration
11:45 Opening Remarks
12:00 Building the City Under Financial Frictions - David Gomtsyan (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics)
Discussant: Martina Kirchberger (Trinity College Dublin)
13:00 Lunch
14:15 Beyond the Hump: Structural Change in an Open Economy - Lidia Smitkova (University of Cambridge)
Discussant: Jing Zhang (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
15:15 Inequality and Measured Growth - Ezra Oberfield (Princeton University)
Discussant: Phillip Grübener (Goethe University)
16:15 Coffee Break
16:30 Rural-Urban Migration, Informality and Firm Dynamics - Gabriel Ulyssea (University College London and CEPR)
Discussant: Selim Gulesci (Trinity College Dublin and CEPR)
17:30 Coffee Break
17:45 Keynote address - Richard Rogerson (Princeton University)
19:00 Drinks
19:30 Dinner
Friday, 18 November
08:30 Coffee
09:00 Misallocation in Firm Production: A Nonparametric Analysis Using Procurement Lotteries - Dave Donaldson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and CEPR)
Discussant: Cian Ruane (International Monetary Fund)
10:00 The Macroeconomics of Intensive Agriculture - Timo Boppart (Stockholm University and CEPR)
Discussant: Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and CEPR)
11:00 Coffee
11:30 Robot Adoption, Worker-Firm Sorting and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data - Ester Faia (Goethe University Frankfurt and CEPR)
Discussant: David Hémous (University of Zürich and CEPR)
12:30 Understanding Growth Through Automation: The Neoclassical Perspective - Marina Mendes Tavares (International Monetary Fund)
Discussant: Elisa Keller (University of Exeter and CEPR)
13:30 Lunch